
标题: 预告:5月30日演出:莫扎特安魂曲,招歌手(男高、男低、女中)。 [打印本页]

作者: 韦伯猫    时间: 2013-1-31 09:29
标题: 预告:5月30日演出:莫扎特安魂曲,招歌手(男高、男低、女中)。



上海国际合唱联盟(SICL)正计划莫扎特的“安魂曲”- K626 d 小调 的演出。时间:2013 年5 月30日地点:上海音乐厅(SCH,http://www.shanghaiconcerthall.org/)上海的专业巴洛克室内乐团将与我们合作(艺术总监韦妹妹); 我们指挥是从休斯顿室内合唱团特请的罗伯特·辛普森(http://www.christchurchcathedral.org/choirs/),(http://www.houstonchamberchoir.org/)。一个顶尖的乐团,一个广受欢迎的指挥,不要错过这个机会来唱这首歌的合唱杰作!

我们请各位于1 月26 日(星期六)下午5 点到基督圣徒教会,复兴中路425 号,淡水路和复兴中路口(地图附后),地铁10 号线新天地站的东南角。

二月和三月每周六自愿排练,从4 月中旬开始到五月30日期间的排练是不可缺席的,详细信息将在第一次排练时告知。

我们还将为您提供MP3 练唱文件,帮助大家练习。




大卫和安·米勒,SICL 秘书,移动的电话1381-759-2371(英文)



Dear choristers,

The Shanghai International Choral League (SICL) is planning to present Mozart’s Requiem—K. 626 d minor—30 May 2013 at the Shanghai Concert Hall (SCH; http://www.shanghaiconcerthall.org/ ) accompanied by the professional Shanghai Baroque Chamber Orchestra (Artistic Director Wei Meimei; http://www.mask9.com/node/69899 ).  Our guest conductor will be Robert Simpson (http://www.christchurchcathedral.org/choirs/ ) of the Houston Chamber Choir (http://www.houstonchamberchoir.org/ ).  A top-notch orchestra; a highly sought-after conductor—don’t miss the opportunity to sing this choral masterpiece!

We kick off this project Saturday, January 26 at 5 PM.  Please meet at Christ All Saints Church, 425 Fuxing Zhong Lu, on the southeast corner of Danshui Lu and Fuxing Zhong Lu (map attached); Metro line 10, Xintiandi station.

Please mark your name on the attendance sheet upon arrival (names will be in alphabetical order by family name); new choristers are warmly welcomed and can enter their contact information in the space provided.

You should plan on Saturday rehearsals between now and May, with mandatory rehearsals starting mid-April.  Details will be provided at the first rehearsal.  Soon we will also provide you with a link to the practice MP3s we will use.

You may purchase your score at the first rehearsal.

Please respond if you plan to sing with us.  This email is copied to our SICL chorister list, including everyone who participated in recent programs.

Please be on the lookout for more emails in the coming days in case we need to clarify anything.

Warmest regards,

David & Ann Miller, SICL secretaries, mobile phone 1381-759-2371

And finally, remember!  We want a large choir for this wonderful music, so help us spread the word by forwarding this email to everyone you know who loves singing, and ask them to join us!
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