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发表于 2023-5-14 15:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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 楼主| 发表于 2023-5-14 15:34 | 只看该作者
There has beensomething of a controversy regarding the dating of the Parker Victory pens.Some sources indicate that the model was produced as far back as 1935, there'seven a dating in the official Parker archives that states that one of theVictories in there was manufactured in 1935. This is however highly unlikely,for several reasons. First of all the Victories were manufactured in the UKonly and it is highly unlikely that Parker and the Valentine Pen Company, whichwas later to become the UK Parker factory, had started their co-operation thatearly. Secondly the name Victory indicates that the production was in line withthe war effort, but by 1935 even if Hitler had begun his world dominationplanning, the war was still four years away. Thirdly most Victory pens havegold nibs clearly marked with an "N" to denote that they were made inNewhaven, an imprinting that begun only in 1941.
Parker had had a subsidiary in the UK since at least1899, as shown by old ads. First there was only marketing and a selling force.Later the Parker UK subsidiary was assembling Parker parts made in Toronto,Canada. Parker had bought the Toronto factory in 1923 and soon 60% of it'sproduction was being shipped to Europe. The setup worked fine, until World WarII, when shipping became increasingly more risky.
The problem wasmade imminent when a ship carrying Parker parts from Canada was torpedoed bythe Germans outside Liverpool. Everything was salvaged by divers andpainstakingly cleaned by the Parker workers, but the vulnerability was evident.Furthermore Parker had recently been evicted from the prominent address of BushHouse in London, since the government needed the facilities for wartime BBCradio transmissions. Parker were offered new premises in the then more run-downdistrict of Grosvenor Gardens. Parker were not happy with this change anddecided to try to find a local manufacturing solution for the European market.
Some sources indicate that Parker already from time totime had had a co-operation with the Valentine Pen Company, in Newhaven,starting in the late 1930's.
Itis true that Valentine had done sub-contract work for other pen manufacturersearlier, including Osmia, Swan and Waterman. But the company had failed tobecome really successful in their own right. Part of the answer was probablythat they never concentrated on one specific model, instead they would acceptorders of maybe a dozen or two pens, a strategy that proved uneconomical.
Accordingto David Shepherd in his book Parker Duofold, Valentine in 1932 even had topublicly apologise to the UK pen maker Conway Stewart for a patentinfringement, albeit an unintended one.

Now,in 1941,Parker negotiated sharing the Valentine factory with it's facilities andmachines for the duration of the war. It was of course convenient, as well asprofitable, for Valentine to produce pens that was very similar to the ParkerDuofolds. The same workers were now making both Valentine and Parker pens.Still in the beginning most parts were manufactured in Toronto, but graduallyNewhaven took over the European market.
The veryfirst Parker model that was solely made in Newhaven was the Parker Victory. It too sharedmany features with both the Valentines andthe streamlined Duofolds,including colour schemes and plastics. For obvious reasons it was now hard tofind plastics to match the US production, so during this period many Duofoldsand Victories were made in colours not found elsewhere, making them verycollectible.
When thewar ended in 1945,Parker bought the Valentine company, lock, stock and barrels, but continued toproduce Valentine pens until 1947 or 1948. The name Valentinealso remained on the workers wage packets until as late as 1957.
Thewartime Valentines wereproduced both as lever fillers and as button fillers. They had ball endedwasher clips, black clip screws and can be found without cap bands or with athin cap band, or in other more rare versions. They sported the model number onthe barrel end, much like the old Parker Lucky Curve pens. The model"01" was possibly the best seller.
They wereimprinted "THE VALENTINE PEN CO LTD, Made in England" and the solidgold nibs were engraved "VALENTINE, 14ct, 1st Quality".
Amongother Valentine colours offered were:
       Light and dark burgundy pearl and black
     Linedgreen silver and burgundy
     Linedcream silver and brown
     Linedrose silver and burgundy

TheVictory was sold as a Parker sub-brand and evolved in five differentgenerations:
The MK I (1941- 1946) 130mm. had a Parker ball ended clip, a streamlined Duofold style black cap screwand blind cap. They were offered either with a single, thin, rolled gold capband or without a cap band. Among other Victory MK I colours offered were:
     Black and pearl
     Gold pearl
     Gold pearl and black marble
     Blue pearl and black marble
     Light and dark burgundy pearl and black
     Striped silver pink and black
     Lined (striated) green silver and burgundy
     Lined (striated) cream silver and brown
     Lined (striated) rose silver and burgundy
Therewere also some Duofold Seniors produced with a Victory/Valentine style single,thin cap band. Furthermore the material shortages led Parker/Valentine to shippens with different coloured bodies and caps, but the demand was so high thatthey sold regardlessly.
From 1945and on the text "MADE IN ENGLAND" was added to the imprints.
The MK II (1946-1947) alsohad a Parker ball ended washer clip, but it was even more streamlined, giving amore slender appearance. Also the Victory MK II blind caps and clip screws werenow of the same colour as the rest of the pen. Most significant the cap nowsported two rolled gold cap rings. The striated and marble designs werediscontinued and replaced by five solid colours:
     Dark Green
     Dark Blue
The MK III (1947-1948) hada much shorter clip screw, and a longer blind cap, almost 15mm. The cap stillhad two bands and the pen still had the Parker ball ended washer clip. Thecolours stayed the same.
     Dark Green
     Dark Blue
The MK IV (1948-1952) 130mm. was even more streamlined again and featured a new tapered Parker clip inthe style of the later Challenger and Parker "VS" designs.The cap had two capbands. It was very similar to the Danish Parker Popular. The model wasfitted with an aluminium button filler.
     Dark Green
     Dark Blue
The MK V (1953- mid 1960's) 132mm. The complete Parker UK line was revamped in 1953 when the newaerometric filling system, developed for the fabulous Parker "51", wasfitted to the whole line of Duofold pens in the UK. There were several modelsavailable. The Victory now became identical in all aspects, save the imprint,with the Student.The two cap rings were removed in favour of a thin cap band engraved with chevrons.The colour grey was discontinued but the MK V was also manufactured in Denmark well intothe 1960's. adding the colour Terracotta andpossibly Apple green.
     Dark Green
     Dark Blue
There areexamples of other designs than mentioned above. The MK IV has been found ingreen marble with a plain, broad cap band and the MK I has also been found withbroader cap bands.
The Victories are naturally very collectible. Especiallythe early pens from the 1940's in vibrant and uncommon colours. These haveespecially attracted the eye of the collectors of the early Duofolds, being asort of extension of the model.
The Victories sold in vast numbers, so the rarity can bedebated, but they are of course much harder to come by in the US, since theywere made for the European market.
Traditionally the mostcolourful of the Parker pens have been thrift time or low quality pens, but inthe Victory and Valentine models collectors will find sturdy and well made penswith solid gold nibs . The later plastics does however have a tendency todiscolour if left for a long time in direct sunlight and being somewhat proneto developing dull finishes, due to the polystyrene plastic being softer thanboth celluloid and acrylic.

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发表于 2023-5-14 22:32 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2023-5-15 19:19 | 只看该作者
晋北秋叶 发表于 2023-5-14 22:32

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