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发表于 2011-8-28 20:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式




   “Newell Rubbermaid”,一家位于亚特兰大的办公室及家庭用品供应商在2005年开始推销一种具有“防伪”功能的胶状颜料墨水 Uni ball pens, 市场反响好于预期,一年的销售增长25%。其他墨水制造商开始跟进。这种墨水有别于染料墨水耐久性与防伪性是由于颜料粉末固着在纸面的纤维之间,不损坏纸张就无法清除,Leighton Davies-Smith , ”Newell Rubbermaid” 研发部门的负责人如此说明。水,丙酮之类的溶剂,或者漂白粉能清除大部分的染料墨水,但不能够移走颜料墨水的颗粒。但墨水用来写书写支票或者医疗处方的时候,防涂改功能就变得非常重要。

    耐久墨水也在平常的工作环境中得到应用。Niles Miller惠普的”Ink and media”资深研究人员,非常恼火于打印机墨水的字迹会被荧光笔搞模糊。在与荧光笔制造商沟通之后,几大科技巨头改变了他们的打印机墨水配方,使其化学成分趋于一致。

    Noodler's Ink以制造“防弹墨水”闻名。Noodler's Ink的“防弹”原理在于他的染料分子能与纸面纤维发生反应,一旦书写,笔迹能抵抗几乎所有已知的文件伪造方法,例如最简单的浸水。Noodler's Ink的创始人Nathan Tardif 列举了大量的事实,一些新的客户曾经的手写稿在一些事故之后变成一堆水印模糊,无法辨认的废纸。他还声称,现代墨水在色彩饱和度跟耐久性方面都很弱。

    最近著名的墨水制造商Noodler's Ink ,吸引了Nicholas Masluk的眼球。这位耶鲁大学研究生,从小就喜欢摆弄激光。他认为他可以在不伤到纸面的情况下,让Noodler's防弹墨水在纸面消失。他花数百美元从ebay上买来零部件,组装成一个激光发射机,反复镭射之下,许多的Noodler's防弹墨水以及其他的防伪墨水都可以无损纸移除。墨水移除变成了快速高能定点爆破!

    Masluk先生告知Tardif先生他的发现。两位先生继续测试各种墨水的耐镭射性能。耐镭射性能最好的居然是Noodler's的一款非常受欢迎的艳色墨水Baystate blue!但这款墨水并不能抵抗化学侵蚀。应客户的要求,这款墨水设计成可以用漂白粉移除,以防止染上衣物不掉色。

    Noodler's Ink 由此又开发出一个新系列的墨水,既能抵抗化学侵蚀又能抵抗镭射侵蚀,其中最为强悍的被称为Bad Belted Kingfisher。尽管客户遇上如此高科技的文件伪造者的可能性不是太大,Tardif先生还是坚定的维护Noodler's防弹墨水的声誉,迫切的要创造出新的墨水来跟新的文件伪造手段一较高下。


                                                                                                             摘自《The Economist 》经济学人杂志
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发表于 2011-8-29 07:12 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-8-29 07:42 | 只看该作者
Polarbear 发表于 2011-8-29 07:12

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发表于 2011-8-29 12:21 | 只看该作者
Polarbear 发表于 2011-8-29 07:12

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发表于 2011-8-30 00:43 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-8-30 00:48 | 只看该作者
Polarbear 发表于 2011-8-30 00:43

Making ink bulletproof
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发表于 2011-8-30 00:50 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-30 18:39 | 只看该作者
Making ink bulletproof

Ink: Basic ink compositions have remained unchanged for millennia, but some companies think there is still room for improvement

HAVING recognised the fallibility of human memory, people have been keeping records written with ink for over four millennia. Thanks to the durability of those early inks, the thoughts of our ancestors have been preserved. Indeed, civilisation itself could be said to depend on the persistence of the written word.

Early inkmakers mixed fine black soot with resin and water. Water suspended the soot, keeping the ink runny enough to write with. Once the water evaporated, the resin made the carbon particles stick to paper or papyrus. Today this is called pigment ink, and it remains in use in pens and inkjet printers. Another ancient way to make ink is to use dyes, in which the colour is dissolved rather than suspended in its solvent. The existence of two such venerable yet reliable technologies, however, has not prevented a number of companies from trying to make better inks.

When Newell Rubbermaid, an office- and home-supplies company based in Atlanta, began marketing one of its Uniball pens with a gel-based pigment ink as “fraud resistant” in 2005, it was not expecting a higher than normal level of demand. But thanks to the ink’s durability compared with dye-based inks and smooth writing due to the gel’s low viscosity, sales grew by around 25%

a year. Other penmakers followed suit with similar gel inks.

This ink’s durability and fraud resistance arise because the pigment particles are so small that they lodge between the fibres near the surface of the paper, making them impossible to remove without visible damage to the page, says Leighton Davies-Smith, vice-president of research and development at Newell Rubbermaid. Applying solvents like water, acetone or bleach will dissolve most dye-based pen inks, but will not remove the pigment particles. And when it comes to writing cheques or doctors’ prescriptions, an ink’s ability to resist attack is important.

Durability also turns out to have uses in more mundane situations. Nils Miller, a senior “ink and media” scientist at HP, is all too well aware of the irritation caused by the blurring of inkjet ink by highlighter pens. Some of the technology giant’s inks have been modified following discussions with highlighter manufacturers to ensure that one firm’s ink chemistry does not disagree with the other's.

The company with the reputation for the most “bulletproof” of inks, however, is Noodler’s Ink, a small American firm. The permanence of its inks relies in part on dyes that react with the surface of the paper’s cellulose fibres. Once written, they resist a variety of solvents known to be used by forgers, as well as more mundane solvents like water. The firm’s founder, Nathan Tardif, recounts stories of new customers who had handwritten documents rinsed clean in natural disasters, leaving behind sheets of paper covered with illegible, watery ghosts of their original written contents. He also argues that most industrially manufactured modern inks are too weak in both their colour saturation and durability.

The reputation of Noodler’s inks recently caught the eye of Nicholas Masluk, a graduate student at Yale University’s physics department. Mr Masluk, who has been tinkering with lasers since his high school days, thought he could make Noodler’s ink disappear without harming the paper underneath. He found that many of Noodler’s inks, as well as other fraud-resistant inks, could be removed with diligent use of a laser that he built for a few hundred dollars using parts bought on eBay. Although these inks can resist chemical attack, they can be blasted away by the infra-red output from a laser. Ink removal thus becomes a matter of careful aim and delivery of very short, high-energy bursts.

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发表于 2011-9-22 12:35 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-22 12:54 | 只看该作者
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